Creating an Internet Safety-aware Culture

Thousands of people have taken our free class “Fight The Internet Bad Guys & Win!” because they are desperately seeking high-quality information to keep themselves safe on the Internet. I will do whatever it takes to teach my class to you, to your family, your friends, your co-workers, and your boss. Whether you’re a kid, a millennial, or a senior citizen; no matter how much education you have, PhD or high school dropout; wherever you are in the social spectrum, mega-bigshot or just a regular peep, I know my class can teach you how to stay safe on the Internet. Join us; let’s get this done!
— Dave Moore, Founder, CISSP, The Internet Safety Group Ltd, a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity.
Dave Moore, CISSP, has been providing IT services in Oklahoma since 1984, and has been teaching his Internet safety class, “Fight The Internet Bad Guys & Win!” since 2008. He is the founder of The Internet Safety Group Ltd, an IRC 501(c)(3) non-profit charity. Dave has written his weekly newspaper column, “Computer Sense,” for The Norman Transcript since 2005, and has held numerous industry certifications. Dave has a LinkedIn profile here; you may also visit the Dave Moore Computers website for more information.